
Why Are Millennials Leaving the Church in Droves? Part 3

Millennials are leaving the church for all sorts of reasons. And as I showed in a previous blog, there are different types of Leavers. However, after combing through various books and studies on the topic, all of which consist of extensive surveys and interviews of people who have left, I’m struck by the common reasons that keep popping up. 

Why Are Millennials Leaving the Church in Droves? Part 3

You Can’t Understand the Bible by Yourself

The western church, as you know, wades around in a thick sludge of individualism. We admit it. We bemoan it. But sometimes we don’t realize just how deep our individualism runs. As I peel back the many unforeseen layers of my presuppositions,

You Can’t Understand the Bible by Yourself

Is Having a Personal Relationship with Jesus a Biblical Concept?

I recently re-read Rob Bell’s best selling book, Love Wins, and was pleasantly shocked at how much of it I agree with. Well, I agree with about 80% of it. The problem is that the other 20% is wrong and misleading. In any case, I was struck by something he said as he was slaughtering our sacred evangelical cows in chapter one.

Is Having a Personal Relationship with Jesus a Biblical Concept?