
#630 - What is Church? - Part 6 - Being Theologically Orthodox and Generous

What is church? What should church be? What should church look like? What should church pursue? 

In this series, Preston is looking at 8 different values that the church should work to keep forefront as they continue and grow. 

Value 8 -  Being Theologically Orthodox and Theologically Generous

#630 - What is Church? - Part 6 - Being Theologically Orthodox and Generous

#579 - Francis Chan - "I Should Have Ran for President!"

Preston is in with Francis Chan talking about what's going on in his life and how he's been doing church. Francis has been creating a group of house churches that has been looking to do things differently. They're talking about the pros and cons of doing church this way and the pros and cons of how church is typically done in America today. 

#579 - Francis Chan - "I Should Have Ran for President!"