church leadership

#635 - A Joint Catacomb in the Raw - Josh Stump and Jay Newman

Today on Theology in the Raw Preston is talking with Joshua Stump and Jay Newman for a joint Catacomb and TITR Podcast.

Today they are talking all about church. Why do we go to church? What should church look like? What is Preston doing now that tries to "do" church a little differently?  

You can hear more from Josh and Jay on the Catacomb Podcast

#635 - A Joint Catacomb in the Raw - Josh Stump and Jay Newman

#633 - Christian Universalist and Church Leadership - How To Do Benevolence Well

Does being a Christian Universalist disqualify you from pastoral leadership?

We want diversity in the Church - how about diversity in ability? Does welcoming people with disabilities make the church too messy? 

The Bible definitely talks about church discipline. However, how do we properly administer church discipline?

How do we do Benevolence well? Should we continue to give that homeless person continuous handouts because he asks for it? 

#633 - Christian Universalist and Church Leadership - How To Do Benevolence Well

#631 - Bruxy Cavey - Church Membership, Nonviolence and Hell

Today on the podcast Preston is talking with Bruxy Cavey. Bruxy and Preston are talking about church membership, nonviolence and views of hell.

Do we need to have church membership? Who can be a "member" of the church? Should a Christian hold to nonviolence? Should a Christian serve in the military? What does Bruxy think about the Eternal Conscious Torment view of hell? Is Bruxy one of the Annihilationist too?

#631 - Bruxy Cavey - Church Membership, Nonviolence and Hell