atonement theories

#608 - Charlottesville, Donald Trump, and a Moral Sexual Ethic

hat the heck is happening in Charlottesville? What did Donald Trump say? For more information about the events happening in Charlottesville, Preston recommends checking out The Ben Shapiro Show - Episodes 361, 362, 363

What about polyamory? Is it only consent that is required for a moral sexual ethic? 

What are some good resources that talk about reading the Bible in community? Check out The Bible Project

Are Jehovah's Witnesses saved? Is it as simple as looking at someone's good works in order to determine this? 

#608 - Charlottesville, Donald Trump, and a Moral Sexual Ethic

#607 - Ken Ham's Rainbow Ark - Chris Sprinkle: How to Start your own Girl's Group

Chris Sprinkle is in to discuss her young girl's group and provide some helpful tips in order to start one in your area. 

What does Preston think of Ken Ham's Rainbow Ark?

How do I forgive abusive parents? What does it mean to forgive? Does forgiveness always mean reconciliation? 



#607 - Ken Ham's Rainbow Ark - Chris Sprinkle: How to Start your own Girl's Group

#606 - Penal Substitution and the Virtue in Same Sex Marriage

Preston is in the basement answering your questions. 

Looking for a church to attend? How should you decide what church you attend? 

Is annihilation in opposition to the Apostle's Creed? Can you be an Annihilationist and affirm the Apostle's Creed?

Is Open Theism heresy or not? 

Is Penal Substitution the 'only' biblical Atonement Theory? 

How do you deal with political family disputes? 

If good fruit is being produced in same sex marriages, then why shouldn't we, as Christians, approve of this? 

#606 - Penal Substitution and the Virtue in Same Sex Marriage