sexual orientation

#859- Sexual Orientation, Sexual Fluidity, and the “Born this Way” Myth: Dr. Lisa Diamond

In this podcast, we discuss why the idea that LGB people are “born that way” does not match the scientific data; instead, sexual orientation is a complex blend of nature and nurture. We then talk about the phenomenon of sexual fluidity--a topic that Lisa has become an expert on.

#859- Sexual Orientation, Sexual Fluidity, and the “Born this Way” Myth: Dr. Lisa Diamond

#615 - Spiritual Trauma - Mixed Orientation Marriage

How do you deal with Spiritual PTSD? What is Spiritual PTSD? Preston isn't a certified professional counselor but he recommends reading the "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. 

Is a mixed orientation marriage possible?

Should we be toting an American flag after gun violence?

#615 - Spiritual Trauma - Mixed Orientation Marriage